BLITZBUSINESSCHESS-2023 ended with a victory in the Railway of Russia at the South Caucasus

On Saturday, April 15, the final qualifying tournament within the IV season of the International Online Chess Business League ended. 32 teams of enterprises and organizations from Russia, Kyrgyzstan and Azerbaijan competed for the title of the strongest team of the intersectoral BlitzBusinessChess. Literally until the last round, it was unclear who would take the first place in the table, but in the end the winner was an experienced team from the Railway of Russia to the South (Chelyabinsk, as part of: Vladimir Tambov, Anatoly Bazhin, Danil Yudin) with a score of 22.5 points out of 27 possible. The team of PIK Group of Companies (Moscow, consisting of Roman Gorokhov, Tatiana Letova, Alexander Arinin) was one point behind and the chess players from the Northern Railway (Yaroslavl, consisting of Rulsan Schuplyak, Andrey Gmyzin, Nina Denisova) closed the top three winners. In addition to the winners, the teams of Kapital Bank (Azerbaijan, Baku), Bank of Asia (Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek), Moscow Metro (Moscow) also made their way to the final tournament of the season. The final tournament will be held this Saturday, April 22
